Not so innocent looking

I want to tell you about one of the best hidden and the innocent- looking sources of injury and pain. Funny thing is we do not even realize it and we do it because we see it as fun and fulfilling, and it happens more often around this time of the year, every year without fail.

And yes I am telling you this because it’s happening again. I would like to call “’Tis the season to be achy, fa la la la, laa la la la, laa”; Ha, ha, corny, I know.

So what is it?

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Training or Working Out?

The first time I brought up this subject, I could not believe the tremendous number of people who took offense to it. Offending or causing trouble is never my intention, but that seems to be the inevitable consequence of going against the flow. Nevertheless, it helped many open their eyes and fine tune their approach so here it is again.

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Kettlebells and Pregnancy

Women can get in amazing shape with proper kettlebell training, but how about those who are pregnant or want to get their bodies back post-partum?

Yes I know, I am a guy so what do I know about pregnancy? Well, that is why I seek the help of those who are more direct experience in that department. Are kettlebells contraindicated for women during pregnancy? How about after? Is there any hope after all?

Read on and find if it can done!

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Kettlebells and Muscle Mass

The lightest kettlebell weighs nearly 9 lbs. That’s almost twice the load most women use in their workouts. Are they hurt? Nope! Any structural issues? Nope! What then? They are simply afraid they are going to put up “too much bulk” by lifting anyting heavier than 10 lbs.

How is it possible not to put on size with kettlebell training when the most popular kettlebells for women are between 8 kgs (about 18 lbs) and 12 kgs (about 25 lbs)? Let pictures replace a thousand words!

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Four Variation Tactics for Awesome Results

No more getting stuck, getting mediocre results, and abandoning your training program! Use these 4 energy charging, fat blasting, boredom banishing tactics to help you bust through those walls and put your results in high gear again

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7 Changes for Super Fitness

7 strategies the fittest people in the world use to get there and stay there

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Exercise Advice – No Pain No Gain

No Pain, No Gain, is it the way to go? Or are there better alternatives? Yes and No

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Strength Beyond the Exercise Floor

Achieving our physical fitness goals is an amazing feeling! Are you ready for that wild ride or will you stay down when you fall?

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Why beginners should NOT start with cardio

You are new to exercise, what do they tell you? Yes, start with cardio! But is there a sound rationale behind it or is this another exercise of repetition without validation? Is cardiovascular work good? Bad? Find out!

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