Category Archives: Weightloss

Topics that will help you in your quest to shed superfluous, unhealthy pounds out of your life for good!

Denial and Fear Disguised as Self-Esteem

I’m exposing the nauseating, butchered version of the “Mermaid or a Whale” post for the banal drivel it truly is. It is not that I like pouring salt on the wound, but it is disconcerting to see how something so flawed could be so blindly cheered. Hey, we once thought lynching witches was correct!

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Injuries that Should NOT Be

Trying to explain how I help folks eliminate pain in one generalized umbrella is impossible. The situation gets more complex as I combine many modalities which in my experience, work well together. We are used to generalizing and singling out, but there are circumstances in which doing so undermines the subject and dilutes its essence.

At the request of my clients, I have put together a free report with the most important details. I have taken an excerpt from the document “How I Eliminated 35 Years of Back Pain in 3 Weeks” to illustrate a crucial point.

This sample is a based on a real case and focuses on the assessment portion to help you understand why sometimes, we overlook the obvious. This man was suffering from injuries that should not be. We are about to find out why.

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27 Stern but Awesome Fitness Tips

Summarizing aspects of exercise science, biomechanics, nutrition, and mindset can get rather touchy since there are sooo many valid good points. There are hundreds of lists floating around, all equally valid. You will find many variations of them, but you will also find some common ground.

Many will love this list, many will not, but what’s certain is that there many unavoidable truths in there, and facing truths makes many very uncomfortable.

Regardless, here you go!

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Not so innocent looking

I want to tell you about one of the best hidden and the innocent- looking sources of injury and pain. Funny thing is we do not even realize it and we do it because we see it as fun and fulfilling, and it happens more often around this time of the year, every year without fail.

And yes I am telling you this because it’s happening again. I would like to call “’Tis the season to be achy, fa la la la, laa la la la, laa”; Ha, ha, corny, I know.

So what is it?

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Training or Working Out?

The first time I brought up this subject, I could not believe the tremendous number of people who took offense to it. Offending or causing trouble is never my intention, but that seems to be the inevitable consequence of going against the flow. Nevertheless, it helped many open their eyes and fine tune their approach so here it is again.

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7 Reasons Kettlebells are awesome for divers

This is an excerpt from my upcoming book “Kettlebells for a Fit Diver” and I hope you enjoy it!

Let me tell you how I got to love kettlebells for scuba diving. Many years ago after heeding the beckoning of the underwater world, I was getting ready for my open water diver certification. My concern was how not having done any extensive swimming in many years would affect my performance in the testing portion. At that point, my training program was kettlebell lifting almost exclusively.

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Kettlebell Program – Week 6 Day 3

What an exciting day! Today is Day 3 of Week 6 of the 6 Week Beginner Kettlebell Program, yes, the last day! It is the culmination of a learning experience and while you are no longer a novice you’ll discover the road to mastery is a long but fun one where your skills will be polished up even further through smart practice and acquisition of more complex skills.

There’s also a component at the end of the program that many would rather skip or dismiss but it is of great importance since it will shape up how you’ll perform in future programs.

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Kettlebell Program – Week 6 Day 2

It is the second day of Week 6 and we have only one workout left after this one to conclude the program! Just when you were feeling a bit too comfortable with your skills, bam! they are challenged to improve yet again! That’s the beauty of Kettlebell Training, the options are so abundant it is nearly impossible to get bored with them. Some mobility and bodyweight skills are revisited and you will be pleasantly surprised at what a tremendous difference you will see in your performance.

Ready to find out how far you’ve come along?

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Kettlebell Program – Week 6 Day 1

And just like that, Week 6 the final one of the program is upon us! This week puts all your skills together and shows you how simple exercises can be modified slightly to turn into different experiences. At this point your skills are unquestionable and gone are the days in which you spent a significant amount of time trying to find the sweet spot. Putting the bell in the rack position or overhead are as comfortable as any other exercise and transitioning or starting from the athletic position is done smoothly and efficiently.

You have definitely come a long way and this week will show you how. So what’s in store for you?

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Kettlebell Program – Week 5 Day 2

Our second and final workout of week 5 closes the week of recovery. The combinations and compound motions are sure to get you sweating, building a better body, and ridding yourself of superfluous calories. Can you think of a better way to finish the week?

Movements like snatches and cleans should feel smooth by now but never hurts to take a few seconds of the warm-up to review them. Make sure to warm-up and prepare your body for the workout. A lousy warm-up will lead into a lousy workout. You want to finish right, you have to start right! Or am I bluffing?

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