Category Archives: Kettlebells

All about techniques, strategies, and philosophy behind the sport of Kettlebell Lifting

Olympic Weightlifting Training and the Shape Magazine Workout 2

Olympic Weightlifting in Bainbridge Island keeps getting better as the Barbelles and Barbeasts Olympic Weightlifting Team continue growing their ranks and improving their skills. The emphasis was the Power Snatch from the knee position as well as mechanics of the back squat and overhead squat as they pertain to Olympic Lifting. And how could we not finish without the Shape Magazine Workout #2? Join the fun!

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Shape Magazine Workout 1 with the Barbelles and Barbeasts

The Barbells and Barbeasts Olympic Weightlifting club kicks off their training program during a time of the year in which most people put their fitness program in the back burner. Showing how they are open to any challenges, they concluded their training with a grueling abdominal routine courtesy of yours truly and the January 2011 issue of Shape Magazine (my contribution). Here is how it went.

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Kettlebells and the Rotator Cuff

The rotator cuff group is an area of concern for many athletes but there is no reason for it to get damaged during kettlebell training. Here’s how to avoid issues.

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Beginner Kettlebell Training

How does one go from not knowing anything about kettlebells to getting started? Here is how!

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What Size Kettlebell Should I Start With

When starting a kettlebell exercise program the first question is “What Size Kettlebell Should I Start With?

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Kettlebells Transforming Bainbridge Island

Kettlebells and Olympic Weightlifting making a difference in Bainbridge Island.

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Kettlebell Hot Potatoes

Time to add variations to take your kettlebell training up a notch and no better technique than the kettlebell hot potatoes!

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