Inspiration: Whispery in Voice, Loud in Results
It is those facing the greatest barriers who are the least interested in burdening others with sob-sob stories. Instead, they quietly take action to achieve their dreams and conquer adversity, inspiring us in the process. One of greatest examples of such tenacity and determination came to my life humbly but powerfully. I would’ve never imagined the magnitude of her ordeal if others had not told me first. Her energy and smile concealed events that would leave most in despair.
The Door That Would Not Budge
The lessons that stick with us for life are the ones that blow our minds with their simplicity. They make us feel incompetent, if not ridiculous, but their impact weighs heavily in our future decisions. One of such lessons came to me early in life and has served me as a powerful guide when frustration sets. It was as if life had decided to give me a crash-course in misguided good intentions at that moment.
I love to open my speaking engagements with the tale of this lesson and though my audience gets a hearty chuckle out of it, they immediately understand the depth of such a powerful event, and from that moment I have their undivided attention.
Pain Therapy, Me, You, and Your Health – Part 2 of 3
The gurus of business marketing always remind us of the importance of being able to summarize our craft as succinctly as possible. It is imperative we communicate the essence of our profession laconically and avoid seemingly superfluous details. It is also what those who are curious as to our life path and want to know what we do, expect as an answer. While a prudent and efficient approach, there are instances in which such methodology will backfire, and the simplification will get more wheels turning. This is more evident if what is done does not fall within the popular parameters, or breaks the self-imposed linear assumptions our attention-deficient society cherishes.
Be Healthy on Thanksgiving and Other Overrated Cockamamie
For the past few days my mailbox has been flooded with people asking me –yet again- how they should be eating or exercising for Thanksgiving to avoid falling off the wagon. Thus, to save time and sanity, I am writing this article so my answers can be accessible to anyone with the same queries in their minds.
Pain Therapy, Me, You, and Your Health – Part 1 of 3
As I strive to integrate the different expressions of physical health into the continuum where they belong, I have developed a system that allows me to streamline all my learning and practical experiences over two decades in the field. I can say with certainty that it is one of the most satisfying and rewarding endeavors of my life as it has made a world of difference in my strength training/pain therapy practice. It allows me to identify problems others overlook, help my clients in ways they never thought possible, bring joy back to those who thought there was no hope, and empower them to take charge of their lives.
Do I Need To Be in Shape Before Training? Part II and Conclusions
It is still common among many fitness professionals –if they can be called so- to physically abuse many of their new and prospective clients through strenuous exercise routines in an attempt to impress them. Needless to say that the vast majority of victims of this form of unethical conduct had no business engaging in routines of such magnitude, and easily overwhelm their limited physical capacity.
Do I Need To Be in Shape Before Training? – Part I
This article was written with two purposes. One, to answer that question so you can put your concerns to rest and we can get started promptly. And two, to make and attempt to get to the root of a question that should not even be formulated. It is my goal to create awareness over the hollowness of such accepted idiosyncrasy, and in doing so, make better choices.
The Principles for a Healthy and Fit Life: 3rd Principle And Stinging Truths
Because most people fail to live by the first two aforementioned principles they end up clinging to the fallacy that enjoying great health and a body that reflects it is an unreachable fantasy.
The Principles for a Healthy and Fit Life: 1st and 2nd Principles
Because we don’t recognize the pillar principle that health and fitness are irreplaceable and, as a result, we set our priorities backwards. Seriously, take a deep breath and analyze how distorted our perceptions are and how they steer us toward a path that should not be.
Three Principles For A Healthy And Fit Life
My path has always unintentionally gone against the mainstream and its principles. I always find heat and confrontation that I don’t seek because it is the nature of opposing the status-quo when challenging its fallacies. I am at peace with that fact and accept what comes. In return, I enjoy great health, freedom from disease, freedom from medications, fullness of energy, optimism, a lucid mind, and a body capable of performing at levels that make others wonder why they can’t keep up. The principles that I follow are part of my life because I have tested them and they have proven themselves, not because somebody told me that they were undeniable truths to which I should adhere.